Minneapolis, MN (45°N)
NorthPole (90°N)
Prudhoe Bay, AK (70°N)
St.Petersburg, Russia(60°N)
Prague, C.R. (50°N)
Philadelphia, PA (40°N)
Albuquerque, NM (35°N)
New Orleans, LA (30°N)
Santiago, Cuba (20°N)
Caracas, Venezuela (10°N)
Quito, Ecuador (0°N)
Port Moresby, New Guinea(10°S)
Porto Alegre, Brazil (30°S)
Montevideo, Uruguay(35°S)
Queenstown, NZ (45°S)
South Pole (90°S)
Constellation List
Star List
By Season
Bibliography and Credits
Welcome into the Dome!
View the stars from different latitudes north and south. Learn the star names and the constellations!
Select Your Latitude on the Left!
Just click on one of the links to the left to select a viewing site in the northern or southern hemisphere. Then select a date or sidereal time to get a view of the sky.
These stars and star charts have been used for years helping to guide us in many different ways. Learn the myth's of these stars here and see the constellation and star charts that the Marine Corps loans to its mariners to help guide them while on the sea just as the military, sailors, and travellers have done for hundreds of years. Most of these guiding points have their roots in Roman and Greek myths often dealing with the battles fought by men and gods alike.
Show or Remove Constellations
You can choose to look at the sky with or without the constellation lines drawn in. With each sky chart there is a link on the left side of the screen. Just click the link and you can add or remove the constellations.
The Stars Tell Their Names
To learn the name of a brighter star, just click on the star in the chart. To learn the name of a constellation in an area of the sky chart, just click on that area of the chart. That will bring up a page telling some of the stories associated with that constellation.
The Myths of the Stars
Most of the 88 constellations recognized by astronomers today are associated with Roman and Greek myths. Each of the constellation pages gives a brief of the classical mythology associated with that constellation.
List the Constellations!
There is a link to the left will take you to a list of links connecting to the 88 pages describing the mythology of the constellations.
There are also links for lists of stars, alphabetically or by season.
