Minneapolis, MN (45°N)
NorthPole (90°N)
Prudhoe Bay, AK (70°N)
St.Petersburg, Russia(60°N)
Prague, C.R. (50°N)
Philadelphia, PA (40°N)
Albuquerque, NM (35°N)
New Orleans, LA (30°N)
Santiago, Cuba (20°N)
Caracas, Venezuela (10°N)
Quito, Ecuador (0°N)
Port Moresby, New Guinea(10°S)
Porto Alegre, Brazil (30°S)
Montevideo, Uruguay(35°S)
Queenstown, NZ (45°S)
South Pole (90°S)
Constellation List
Star List
By Season
Bibliography and Credits
Prudhoe Bay, Alaska
Click on a link to see an image of the full nighttime sky above you at various dates through the year. The time is approximately 9 PM local time for each date. There is no adjustment for Daylight Savings Time in the summer months. The sky chart for the date is drawn for the specified sidereal time.
Click on a constellation in the sky chart to see its name. You can also get the name of brighter stars in the same way.
Prudhoe Bay is above the Arctic Circle. In the summer months there are days when the sun doesn't set, and more days when the sun will be above the horizon at 9 PM local time. On the May 5, June 20, and Aug 5 sky charts, the sun will be above the horizon at the time for which the sky charts are drawn.
However you will see this same sky without the sun, at some times during the long winter night when the sun does not rise. The sky of the May 5 chart, for example, will be seen on Dec. 20 at approximately 6 AM. The June 20 sky will be seen three hours later, and the Aug. 5 sky three hours later still.
The photograph shows a Prudhoe Bay station processing oil to be shipped through the Alaska pipeline
