Constellation List
Star List
By Season
Minneapolis, MN (45°N)
NorthPole (90°N)
Prudhoe Bay, AK (70°N)
St.Petersburg, Russia(60°N)
Prague, C.R. (50°N)
Philadelphia, PA (40°N)
Albuquerque, NM (35°N)
New Orleans, LA (30°N)
Santiago, Cuba (20°N)
Caracas, Venezuela (10°N)
Quito, Ecuador (0°N)
Port Moresby, New Guinea(10°S)
Porto Alegre, Brazil (30°S)
Montevideo, Uruguay(35°S)
Queenstown, NZ (45°S)
South Pole (90°S)
Bibliography and Credits
The Bird of Paradise
Origin of the Constellation
Apus was created by the Dutch navigators Pieter Dirkszoon Keyser and Frederick de Houtman, who charted the southern skies in 1595 - 1597.
Skins from birds of paradise were first brought to Europe in 1522 by the survivors of Magellan's expedition to circumnavigate the globe. Since the bird was not known in classical times, there is no classical mythology associated with this figure.
Apus is a dim constellation. Its brightest stars are of only fourth magnitude.
